

This website will be used to share association news and information about neighborhood activities. The Association Information page contains our legal documents, rules and other important information for all homeowners.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dues Increase

Association dues increasing to $125

     The Board has decided it was time for a small increase in association dues due to increased costs for snow removal, insurance and lawn care.  Effective with the April payment, monthly dues will go up $6 to $125 per month. 
    This winter has proven very expensive to provide everyone with timely snow removal, and the winter is not over.  The last dues increase was about four years ago.  The Board also has to factor in if we are increasing and how much we are increasing our Reserve Fund.  This is the fund that will be used for eventual building and road repairs like siding, roofing and resealing the driveways and roadways.  Please be sure to increase your check or electronic funds transfer to $125.00 starting with the April 1st, 2014 payment.

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