Villas of Knights Way
Fond du Lac, WI
Board of Directors Meeting
November 28,
1. Call to Order
a. Pres. Joe Ciontea called the meeting to order at 2:45 p.m.
b. Roll call: J.Ciontea, J Keenan, G. Meier, J. Winkler,
D. Winke
2. Financial Report
a. Checking 706.63
b. Money Market Fund 31936.68
c. CD Investments 82587.40
No discussion followed
3. Old Business
a. Parking signs (No Parking/No overnight)
are to be ordered and installed in Spring after ground thaws. Motion to
purchase approved.
b. Street lights: It is our intention to eliminate meter rental cost (not lights). Three or four
residents are already paying for the electricity on their own meters, as
opposed to rental meters, powering some lights, according to Midwest Developer.
When all lights are changed from rental meters, owners of the resident meters
being charged for street light electricity will be reimbursed by the
Association on an annual basis. Joe Ciontea will seek a bid to reconnect lights
to resident meters.
c. Vent Replacement: Up to date at this
time. Many thanks to Don Winke for his efforts.
d. Fire Hydrants: Inspected and passed
per city requirements. Will require a more extensive inspection in one year.
Thanks to Bob Olsen for painting the Villa fire hydrants red. These hydrants
are owned by the Association, not the city of FDL.
e. Street Repair: It was necessary to
void our contract with the street repair contractor because of his inability to
do the work due to weather conditions. This issue will be readdressed in
issue: This has been resolved, and we anticipate the dish in question to be
relocated in Spring.
g. Association Documents: Thanks to
Alyson Zierdt, our documents have been put into proper order, and copies will
be distributed to all residents.
Website/Blog Changes: some subtle changes have been made to the website. The complete and accurate set of association
documents is now available there. A new
email address: It is the email address that owns the website. Any messages you receive from that email are coming
from the president or the Board.
Social: Any resident who is interested
in hosting a holiday social in Jan., please contact Joe Ciontea.
Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled
for Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Time and location to be determined.
All board
members welcome any suggestions at any time.
Meeting Adjourned
4:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim Keenan, Secretary
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – October 16, 2017
Meeting was called to
order at 8:00 pm
Attendance: J Ciontea,
G Meier, J. Winkler, D. Winke, J. Keenan (by phone)
Alyson Zierdt attended by invitation so we could draw upon her professional
background and experience with organizational documents.
Association Rules and Regulations
The group reviewed a document created by
the president that compiled all rules and regulations
passed by the association’s Board of Directors since Aug. 2011, as authorized
by Article V, Section 5.05 of the Association Bylaws, as well as those adopted
by Association members at Annual Meetings. Discussion followed about need for all owners
to receive a copy of the compilation, and that it be made available, along with
Association’s governing documents, on the website.
Documents Provided to Unit Owners
We also noted that comments received during
recent communications about satellite dish issues showed that some unit owners
were provided inaccurate and/or incomplete versions of the Association’s governing
documents by Midwest Real Estate or through realtors for selling unit owners,
when their purchases were made;
The Board will work to get a complete,
accurate set of documents and provide a copy to all unit owners, as well as
making them available on the Association website.
Dish Issues
We reviewed the Declaration of
Condominium, Association Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations, and noted:
Voting by unit owners must take place in
person or by proxy at the annual or a special meeting of the Association, unless
all unit owners agree in writing to take action on a particular matter without
a meeting (Article III, Sections 3.01 & 3.03);
The Bylaws do not authorize an
electronic vote (by email);
The Bylaws give the Board “the powers
and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Association
and of the Property” (Article V, Sec. 5.05);
The Declaration of Condominium, in
Paragraph 7, states that “No unit owner … shall install outside his unit any …
satellite dish … without the written permission of the Association Board”;
On July 14, 2014, the Board established this
rule giving further guidance regarding satellite dishes: “Satellite dish installations are permitted
within 4 feet of the building (in garden area), or on deck. No installation on the building roof or
attached to building sidewalls is permitted”.
The Board then discussed at length several
proposals recently received from Association members for rules regarding
satellite dish placement.
Motion by G. Meier, Seconded by D. Winke
to amend the Rules & Regulations by deleting the rule adopted on July 14,
2014 regarding satellite dish placement.
Motion passed 5 yea, 0 nay (J.
Keenan voting by phone call).
Motion by G. Meier, Seconded by J.
Winkler to establish the following rule;
“Satellite dish installations are
only permitted as follows: on the back of the owner’s unit within 4 feet of the
building (in the garden area); on the side of the owner’s unit (in the garden
area), not more than 6 feet forward (towards the front) of the back corner of
the unit; or on the owner’s deck. They may not be attached to the unit’s roof
or walls.”
Motion passed 5 yea, 0 nay (J.
Keenan voting by phone call).
The Board will draft a letter to Randy
Fochs requesting that his satellite dish be removed from the roof (and repair
the roof as needed, at his expense), as he previously agreed to do, and be relocated
following the new rule. Because of anticipated travel and the incomplete
construction behind his unit, the dish relocation may be delayed until spring.
Meeting adjourned at 10:38 pm
submitted by J. Ciontea
Meeting 9/25/17
Keenan, Meier, Winkler present.
of Meeting
9/12/17 Approved as presented.
Road Repair: It was moved and approved unanimously that
the K&J Sealcoating proposal for crack filling be accepted. There are other
blacktop projects that require further investigation before awarding contract.
Hydrant Flushing:
We were made aware, by the city of Fond du Lac, that we are in
noncompliance with the annual requirement of flushing our hydrants and with
periodic flow testing. We are presently
awaiting an estimate from J.F. Ahern. We were also made aware that our
(private) hydrants should be painted red.
Dish Placement: The following revised proposal by- law
was approved by the Board to be sent to all residents for vote:
“Ground mounted
satellite dish installations shall only be permitted on the back side of the
owners’ condo units within the four foot
garden area. No installation shall be attached to the building roof,
sidewalls, or deck. Any other dish locations must be pre-approved by the
Association Board”
Signs: Discussion
regarding content and placement of parking signs. Action will be taken after
being finalized.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Keenan, Secretary
Meeting 9/12/17
Ciontea, Keenan, Meier, Winke,
Guest: Urban
Minutes of Meeting 8/7/17 approved as presented.
Checking Account: $268.97
Market Fund:
Discussion: None
Signage: Discussion about number of
signs, content and location presently being
Satellite Dish Placement: After much discussion, the Board President
was instructed to draft a proposal, submit it to the Board for approval, and
email it to all residents for a vote.
Street Lights: The number of lights, as well as placement
and metering of these lights, was discussed
Possibilities for each are being investigated.
Street Repairs: Estimates were
received. The Board is awaiting another estimate before proceeding.
Vent Repair/Replacement: Ongoing
situation, as yet unresolved.
Information For Residents: An
abbreviated fact sheet covering our Association policies and rules is being
prepared for distribution.
Inquiries have been made concerning the number of residents that are
allowed in each unit. This matter is
presently being investigated.
Midwest Update: The new Midwest broker
is Sue Frechette at
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Keenan, Secretary
Villas of Knights Way Condo Assn.
Villas of Knights Way Condo Assn.
of Directors Meeting
8, 2017
President Joe Ciontea called
the meeting to order. In attendance:
Don Winke
Treasurer's Report:
Account: $18107.00
(total): $80000.00
Old Business:
Annual Meeting held 7/18/17 at Holiday Inn FDL. Venue was well received. Anticipate
using Holiday Inn again next year.
Vent Inspection: All issues were discussed, and the service was considered adequate,
and was felt to be worthwhile by the board.
Repair: Board members will walk the streets with the asphalt contractors,
determining needs and getting estimates for repairs.
lights/Alliant Energy: Board members will consult with Alliant and determine status
and cost of lights and meters.
Satellite dish issue: currently under discussion.
Signs: Discussion. Costs and placement will be considered.
Election of Officers:
President: Joe Ciontea
Jim Keenan
Treasurer: Gene Meier
at Large: Jean Winkler, Don Winke
Next Meeting: Tuesday,
September 12, 2017 7 p.m. at the condo of Don Winke
communications to the Board should be in writing or emailed to one or more
Board members prior to the Board Meeting. Telephone or direct discussion with a board
member will not be brought before the entire board for discussion unless in
writing or email.
Jim Keenan, Secretary
Annual Meeting of Knights Way Condo
July 18, 2017
The annual meeting was held in conjunction with the annual
picnic which we moved to the Holiday Inn, Rooms 188/189 this year.
Joe Ciontea, president, called the meeting to order
Joe introduced the current board members and new residents
that have moved in. Welcome to our neighborhood!! We are glad that
you are here!
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved
Gene Meier gave the Treasurers Report and our annual financial summary. He spoke about the frustration of communication
with various banks that are sending incomplete information with electronic condo
dues payments. Many of the banks do not identify who is the payment is
coming from. Gene does not know who paid to give them credit.
We will no longer accept the auto pay as payment unless your bank
will provide the required details. We will accept an auto CHECK (a check mailed
to the treasurer from your bank).
Gene also talked about reserves and of forecasting out for
future years.
Gene also addressed the electric meters on the Condo
lights and possibly having Alliant come to check our meters to determine a way
to save us some expenses.
Old Business
Joe addressed the following:
Tree trimming will be done in the winter when the trees are dormant
Roads inspection planned for later this summer
The front plant areas were recently trimmed.
Dryer Vent Wizard will be coming soon to inspect and clean dryer vents
New Business
Parking is restricted to the side of the street opposite the mail boxes. No
overnight parking on Somerset or Yorkshire. Be sure to advise your family
members and guests of that when they visit you.
There was discussion on No parking signs and no solicitation signs. The
conclusion was that the new board would investigate the signage
Discussion on Satellite Dishes mounted to the roof.
We came to no conclusion and the new board will address it and
communicate information with all by email.
Elections. 3 positions were open.
4 had said they would run for the positions.
Those that said they would be on the board were:
Randy Don
Jim Jean
Don, Jim and Jean were voted in for a 2 year term.
Thank you to Maggie Shea for her service the past two
There will be a meeting soon to vote on President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Thank you to the board this past 2 years. We worked together well.
I think having the meeting and picnic at Holiday Inn worked out well and many
told me the same.
Respectfully submitted
Jean Winkler, Secretary
Informal meeting of Condo Assn Board
July 11, 2017 7pm
Since this was an informal meeting, I will just notate our conversations of the evening.
Joe did call the meeting to order, and the minutes of the last meeting was approved.
Gene gave the financial report. We did approve the report.
We did review projected numbers and projected increases in Maintenance fees in the future.
Joe will have an agenda for the meeting of things that need to presented to everyone.
We currently have a solid 40 with 47 possible. ( now a solid 42)
Jean will bring a coffee pot
Joe will bring bottled water and ice
Holiday Inn will have provide power cords and power strip
We will have pulled pork and turkey sandwiches with BBQ sauce and we requested extra BBQ Sauce
Don will pick up name tags and Joe will bring felt tip pens
Joe will introduce the board and introduce the new residents in attendance.
Gene will give the financial report and discuss a couple items that he would like to present to the condo owners
Joe will bring up the tree trimming
Dryer Vent Wizard doing inspections
He will address New Business or concerns
Satellite dishes
2 year terms that are up
Don, Maggie and Jean
Jean, Sandy, Jim Keenan, and Randy have offered to be on the board if voted in
Joe and Gene continue to be on.
Thanks to all of you. I have enjoyed being on the board and will do another term if it works out. You are a good group !!!
Joe did call the meeting to order, and the minutes of the last meeting was approved.
Gene gave the financial report. We did approve the report.
We did review projected numbers and projected increases in Maintenance fees in the future.
Joe will have an agenda for the meeting of things that need to presented to everyone.
We currently have a solid 40 with 47 possible. ( now a solid 42)
Jean will bring a coffee pot
Joe will bring bottled water and ice
Holiday Inn will have provide power cords and power strip
We will have pulled pork and turkey sandwiches with BBQ sauce and we requested extra BBQ Sauce
Don will pick up name tags and Joe will bring felt tip pens
Joe will introduce the board and introduce the new residents in attendance.
Gene will give the financial report and discuss a couple items that he would like to present to the condo owners
Joe will bring up the tree trimming
Dryer Vent Wizard doing inspections
He will address New Business or concerns
Satellite dishes
2 year terms that are up
Don, Maggie and Jean
Jean, Sandy, Jim Keenan, and Randy have offered to be on the board if voted in
Joe and Gene continue to be on.
Thanks to all of you. I have enjoyed being on the board and will do another term if it works out. You are a good group !!!
A date and location for the next meeting will be established after the new Board is elected.
Villas of Knights Way
Board Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2017
The meeting was called to
order by President Joe Ciontea.
All board members were
present; Randy & Debbie (14 Somerset) were also attending the meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were read
and approved.
Financial Report
Meier gave the Treasurers report. The following are the amounts we have
in various accounts.
Checking BMO
Harris 3,644.61
Money Market BMO
Harris 25,258.19
CD US Bank
was discussion about auto payments to pay condo dues. There is only one
bank that identifies who the payment it is coming from. Most payments
come through without a name for Gene to know where it came from.
was made to move to stop not accept any auto transfer payments without
acceptable ID beginning Aug 1st, 20107. Motion was 2nd
and passed.
will contact those currently involved in the dilemma. The new procedures will be explained to all
at the annual meeting in July.
to move $10,000.00 from the Money Market account to a CD. Motion
was 2nd and passed.
Old Business
Asphalt Specialists will be contacted to do a
walk on our streets to determine what we would need to have done.
Joe will contact Jeff Julka about the weeds in planting
Details of the annual meeting and summer social
scheduled for July 18th , Room 188/189 Entrance 7.
5 pm cocktails, 6 pm dinner,
Business meeting at 7:00.
Tree trimming contract has been sent to the
Garten Factory to do the trimming of 5 or 6 trees. They will be doing
that in the winter.
Dryer Vent Wizard has tentatively given Joe the
date of August 2 to clean dryer roodf vents. More discussion on the vents at the Annual
New Business
49 Yorkshire has been sold , the closing is June 30th (Loehr)
46 Yorkshire has been sold, the closing is
June 15th. (Ruedinger)
Randy and Debbie came to the meeting to discuss
the satellite dish that has been installed on their condo. After much
discussion, decisions were delayed until the annual meeting.
The next board meeting is July 11 at 10:00 a.m at Maggie Shea's to put the finishing
details on the annual picnic.
Submitted by:
Jean Winkler
Villas of Knights Way
Board of Directors Meeting
May 9, 2017
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved
Treasures report was given by Gene Meier.
Current balances (2/5/5/2017)
Checking 4,967.82
Money Market 24,652.20
CD accounts (total) 71,930.05
Assets 101,550.07
BMO Bank is now our bank. Our accounts have been moved from Associated Bank to BMO Bank.
on Jimmy's last invoice. Decision was made to pay it and put a note in
with the check to explain the charge for fertilizing.
Factory were out and we have 5 trees that need to be trimmed. The cost
will be $ 545.00. Joe will sign the contract to get the trees taken care
of. Motion made and carried.
October 2014 Dryer Vent Wizard came to clean out our vents. This should be done every other year. Motion to have it done was passed. More information will be shared when we get them scheduled.
We discussed the crack repair on our streets. We agreed that we need to have it looked at and get bids. Asphalt Specialists did it last time.
Discussion on Satellite dishes. They cannot be mounted on the roof or side walls of a unit. It is in the rules of our Association as established by the builder. The Board has previously stated that dishes and antennas can be mounted on the ground or attached to the deck.
Some have asked about flushing our fire hydrants. We do not need to do it because when the city flushes the ones that are close to our development, it also benefits our fire hydrants.
The annual meeting and picnic will be held at Holiday Inn on July 18th in Rooms 188 & 189. Information will be coming out on the picnic.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Jean Winkler
October 2014 Dryer Vent Wizard came to clean out our vents. This should be done every other year. Motion to have it done was passed. More information will be shared when we get them scheduled.
We discussed the crack repair on our streets. We agreed that we need to have it looked at and get bids. Asphalt Specialists did it last time.
Discussion on Satellite dishes. They cannot be mounted on the roof or side walls of a unit. It is in the rules of our Association as established by the builder. The Board has previously stated that dishes and antennas can be mounted on the ground or attached to the deck.
Some have asked about flushing our fire hydrants. We do not need to do it because when the city flushes the ones that are close to our development, it also benefits our fire hydrants.
The annual meeting and picnic will be held at Holiday Inn on July 18th in Rooms 188 & 189. Information will be coming out on the picnic.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Jean Winkler
Villa's of Knights Way, a condominium Association
Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
President Joe Ciontea called the meeting to order at 10:00
All Board Members were present
Minutes of the August Meeting were approved
Treasurers Report was given by Gene Meier. Report was approved by the board
Old Business:
Street lights were discussed.
Some are wired to condo's and condo owners are paying for the electric
bill on them. The bill should be going
to Midwest or the association.
Reminder that as of January 1, 2017, the dues will be 135.00
a month. We are hoping we can hold that
amount for a few years.
New Business:
Due to the fact that David Holmes dropped off of the Board,
new signature cards have to be made at Associated Bank. Don Winke will go to the bank with Gene to
have his name added to the account.
Gene was given the authority to change from Associated Bank
to another Bank at when he feels that we should make the change.
Gene will have a list of when each of us on the Board will be
gone during the winter months.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:45
Jean Winkler, Secretary
Villa's of Knights Way, a Condominium Association
Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 5
Yorkshire Dr
President Joe Ciontea called the meeting to order
All Board Members were present
Minutes were approved
Treasurer’s Report (Gene Meier)
Current Balances
Money Market
: $10,008
Savings: $71,128
All board members were given a spread sheet. All accounts and future predictions were
discussed. In order to cover projected
expense for our Association, we discussed raising the monthly dues. This was
discussed in the treasurer’s report at our annual meeting. Periodically raising the dues is needed so we
will have the necessary funds available when needed for road repair, roof &
siding replacement. They are currently $ 125.00 a month. A motion was made to raise the dues to $
135.00 a month beginning with the payment due Jan. 1, 2017. Motion passed. We should be able to hold the $135 rate for 4
or 5 years. This would help to have the money available when we need to do
roofs or streets and other major items.
Old Business
Tree trimming done by Jimmy has been completed
There are some other trees that need trimming and will be
done in the winter when it is the best time without hurting the tree. Joe had Larry form the Garten Factory come
out and check them.
We had considered having all gutters checked for correct
pitch but the high cost is not a responsible expense. We will contract to have the
identified repairs completed as needed.
Lawn Care: Jimmy asked if we would like to limit the bagging when
cutting the lawns and save some expense. The discussion was that if we did that, grass
would be tracked into our homes. We did
not think that would be a good idea. No change from existing procedures.
Street light discussion, several street lights are connected
to personal power meters. We will work
with Midwest and home owners to remedy this.
Drainage at 48 & 50 Yorkshire was not properly
completed. We talked about a letter to
be sent to Bill Markee at MidWest in Oshkosh.
Pictures will also be submitted.
Status of all contracts and insurance were discussed. At this time, they are all current with no
immediate changes expected.
New Business
The board will create a journal to document the timing, cost and
service provider for all community projects and major expenses. This will be
passed from president to president and can be used to help with planning and
We are looking to see if anyone wants to host a fall
social. Chili dump, BBQ party or
anything anyone would like to do. Dick W.
has been diagnosed with cancer. We are
in the middle of a battery of tests and waiting to see what the treatment will
be. As much as we would like to, we can't
commit this year.
Please keep him in your prayers.
Next meeting: November
29, 7:00 at Maggie Shea's
Jean Winkler, Treasurer
Villas of Knights Way, A Condominium Association
Annual Meeting
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
David Holmes called the meeting to order
All Board
members were present
Thanks from
the full Board to Don and Rose, and Bob and Joyce for allowing
us to have
the gathering at their condos
Gene Meier,
Treasurer gave the financial report and also passed out a copy to
each condo
owner. Motion was made to accept. Motion
Business.................past year
Road repair
and new black top completed
repair completed
Furnace Vent
replacement completed
on going
resident directory was given out. You
can always let Gene know if
there are
any changes in your information
issue behind #46 ad #50 The Board had
the city involved to get this issue
resolved. Midwest was contacted several times and as of
July 20, 2016, it has been
worked on.
New Business
project was completed in July. We thank,
Don, Gene, Rose and Sandy for
all they did
to help. Good Job !!
We are
looking into having all rain gutters checked to see if they are pitched right
Trees have
been trimmed by Jimmy's Landscape
Olson's have
a bedroom window that keeps freezing up.
There is information in the
packet in regards to the windows
Dryer Vents
were cleaned a year ago
came up about possible having the water softener salt delivered as a group
moved forward.
Election of
2 new Board Members
Gene Meier
and Joe Ciontea were nominated and elected.
Motion made
to adjourn, Motion carried
Submitted by
Jean Winkler, Secretary
Addendum: The five Board members
met the same evening and the officers for 2016- 2017 will be as follows:
Joe Ciontea, President
Gene Meier, Treasurer
Jean Winker,
Don Winke
and Maggie Shea will serve as members at large
Villas of Knights Way Board Meeting
July 11, 9:30
Winkler Condo
President David Holmes called
the meeting to order and Attendance was taken
David Holmes
Gene Meier
Maggie Shea
Don Winke
Jean Winkler
Full board was in attendance
Approval of minutes from the
last Board meeting was circulated
Motion was made and approved
to accept the minutes as read
Treasurer's Report
Gene Meier gave the Treasurer's report, which
included the checking
account, our Reserve accounts and A/C accounts and
year to date
financial statement through the month of June 2016
Dues continue to come in on time which is much appreciated
Report was discussed and approved
Old Business
Drainage issue behind the Yorkshire condo's
was updated
Maggie spoke with an attorney to advise us how we
forward due to the fact that we have not had any
response from
Depending on the response, we have agreed to go as
a group to
speak with the city and to include the Luduvic's,
and Olson's.
Rain Gutters
condo's have rain gutter issues. Wright
Brother's will be
contacted to see if they will come and check
everyone's rain gutters
to see that they are installed correctly.
Mulch was purchased and we thank all of those that
helped put it
down in the berm areas. It looks nice
New Business
Meeting was discussed. Purchasing the
meat, paper products
buns and who was going to cook.
We discussed the agenda for the meeting. President Holmes will
present the agenda.
We are in need of 2 board members. Both new
members will be on for 2 years. Voting will be done at the annual meeting. There will be a short board meeting right after the annual meeting.
Meeting was adjourned
Submitted by Secretary
Jean Winkler
of Knights way Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Shea Condo, 27 Yorkshire
David Holmes called the meeting to order.
Attendance was taken and all
Members were in attendance
Approval of
the minutes from the last board meeting were approved. Motion was
made to
accept the minutes as read
Meier gave the Treasurer's report, which included checking, A/C and
balances along with Year to date financial statement. Dues are coming in
time and the board appreciates that.
Unsold and finished units dues are paid
us by Mid West until they are sold.
have $30,000.00 is invested in CD's with CCF Bank
have $40,954.35 is invested in CD's with US
Old Business
was discussion on the drainage problem behind units, 46/50 . We have
the city come out to re shoot the grade.
We were told, as well as Mid West
the grade it not correct and that it needed to be brought up to grade. They
notified last fall and have not corrected the problem. Ludovicks have
#50 and should be aware that there is a drainage problem. Maggie is
to contact an attorney to see how we can move forward with this since
have no response from Mid West.
still have one condo that is keeping their grill in front of their house. Dave will
them a letter to be sure that they know.
If no response after the letter, other
will have to be taken.
discussed the picnic. Dave will see how
much meat that we need once the
are in. Rose will bring the condiment
for the meat. Jean will check with
as to the whereabouts of the plates, cups and flatware from last year. The
will furnish the meat, plates, cups and flatware as before.
discussed the upcoming openings on the Board.
Dave will send out a memo
the openings to see if there is anyone that wants to be part of the board
Association will get bark and do the berms.
They will also do the trees in the
yards that need mulch. Don will ask for volunteers to put the mulch down.
will remind Jimmy to do trimming.
gutters were discussed. Dave will talk
to someone that is going to check his
and will see if there are others that are having problems.
annual Condo Meeting will be held on July 19, at 5:00. Location is 20/24
Lane driveways.
next board meeting will be 1:30 on July 11th at the Winkler condo.
made and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Villas of Knights Way Board Meeting
May 3, 2016
Winke condo
The meeting was called to
order by President Dave Holmes. All
board members were in attendance.
Jeanne and John Venturini and
Sandy Wroblewski attended the meeting to present the board with the information
on what they would like to do to their decks.
They proposed changing their decks from wood to composite material. They
also wanted to change the color of the composite and the railings. After all questions from the Board were
answered, Jeanne, John and Sandy excused themselves to allow the Board to
further discuss their request. The meeting continued as follows:
Secretaries report
Minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
Treasurers Report
Gene Meier presented the
treasurers report. Gene called to our attention that his forecast of what our
money would earn is not up to the 2% that he had anticipated. We approved
moving funds from our Money Market fund into CD’s to improve the return on our
Motion to accept the report
was approved.
Old Business
Concrete work starts the week
of May 7. They will be working from
about 4 to
weather permitting. The price to do all of them was $4,750, which
is about $2,000 more than we had originally planned. The new amount was approved April 22 via an
email vote.
Drainage issue behind the
Model condo has not been resolved. Dave
will contact Mid-West. They had not
answered his emails or phone calls.
New Business
The Board discussed the deck
request presented by our guests earlier. In addition, other similar issues have
surfaced lately such as window replacements, front doors replacement,
landscaping and use of grills by residents. We referenced our condo Declaration
and By-laws looking for guidance on how to respond to these items but we found
nothing specific to help us. So, per Article V, section 5.05 of our By-laws, the Board
created the following Rules & Regulations concerning the use of common and
limited common areas. We all agreed that we should maintain consistency on the
outside appearance on our homes.
and front doors must be white, if replaced. Only casement windows are allowed
but owners may upgrade to a higher quality casement window.
and deck railings may be replaced with a composite material but must remain a
color in the brown family. Front railings must be white and of the same current
are to maintain and landscape up to 4 feet around the foundation of their unit
(garden area referenced in our Declaration. Paragraph 12). If additional
landscaping beyond the 4 feet is desired, prior Board approval should be
Grills may be
stored on the owner’s deck or in the rear of your unit within the 4’ allowable
garden space adjacent to your deck.
However, grills may not be stored outside the front of your unit. If you choose to cook in your driveway or front
entryway, please return your grill to your garage after grilling. The homeowner
will be responsible for any damage to common areas resulting from the use of a
The Evergreen between the
Venturini and Wroblewski condo and the dead tree in front the Fochs’ unit will
be replaced by the condo association.
The Annual meeting will be
July 12 at 5:00 at the Winke/Streblow condo's.
The Association will furnish the meat, buns, plates, napkins and plastic
ware. The Ladies will decide what other
food we need.
The next board meeting is on
June 21 at Maggie Shea's.
Motion made and seconded to
adjourn the meeting.
Jean Winkler, Secretary
of Knights Way Board of Directors
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Meier Condo, 29 Yorkshire Drive
President David Holmes called the meeting to order and
Attendance was taken
David Holmes
Gene Meier
Maggie Shea
Don Winke
Jean Winkler
Approval of minutes from the last Board meeting as
Motion made and approved to accept the minutes as read
Treasurer's Report
Gene Meier
gave the Treasurer's report, which included checking. AC, Reserve and
A/C balances
and Year to date financial statements thru November 2015. Gene was pleased
everyone's dues are paid thru the end of the year.
Report was
discussed and approved
Old Business
Drainage is
still an issue. Midwest has the plan
from the city for fixing the problem but
have not
acted on it at all. There has been no
action from Midwest at the time of the
meeting. Dave has been working on contacting them.
Sidewalk repair will be done in
the spring.
New Business
Gene Meier
will update the owner's list and distribute
We discussed
the Winter schedule for the board members.
Don Winke will be gone right
Christmas until mid March. Jean Winkler will be gone from the end of December
mid April,
Maggie Shea will be gone from early January until mid May, David Holmes will be gone the end
of March and April. Gene Meier will not
be leaving unless it is for a short time.
Gene and Mary Meier have offered to have the Winter Party,
but the date will be determined by them. Owners will be notified of the date.
The next Board meeting will be May 5, 2016 , 7 p.m. at the
Winke condo
Just a note, there were several cars parked on the wrong side
of Somerset Lane today. Should another
reminder go out in the next newsletter and stating that the parking is at the
request of the Fire Department.?
Villas of Knights Way Board of Directors
September, 15, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Shea Condo, 27
Yorkshire Drive
President David Holmes called
meeting to order and Attendance
Dave Holmes
Gene Meier
Maggie Shea
Don Winke
Jean Winkler
Approval of minutes from last
Board meeting as circulated
Treasurer's Report
Gene Meier gave the Treasurer's Report, which included
checking A/c, Reserve
A/c balances, and Year to date financial statements thru
August 2015.
It was also noted that we are now collecting condo fees
from the Model. By
September 1, 2015 we will be getting dues from all the
condo's even though they
are not sold.
Report was discussed and approved
Old Business
Drainage issue behind the Yorkshire Condo's was
discussed. Midwest did
come with some fill and reseeded. City has now shot the grade but have not
back at the time of the meeting.
Sidewalk concrete repair was discussed. We have a bid of $2,750.00 to repair the 6 sidewalks that need to be done. Don Winke was able to get someone he knew of to come and do it correctly. The bid was well under any that we had
Don is to call him and give him the go ahead. Motion was made and approved to proceed.
New Business
The condition of the street at the entrance of Knightsway
and Somerset was discussed. It appears that it will be awhile before
another condo building will be built.
The street is in disrepair. Dave will contact Midwest to see if they
can't repair it better than they did.
Dave will also ask if the Port a Potty can be removed on
Jimmy had submitted a proposal for Lawn and Snow removal
for the winter of
2015/2016. We
discussed the proposal. Dave to go back
to him and ask for a 3
year contract with the rate not to increase more than 5%
for lawn and snow. We
will vote via email.
Christmas gathering after
Jean to bring this up at the Ladies of the Hill coffee on
September 18.
Will follow up with an email to everyone in our
Next meeting is 7:00 p.m.
December 15th, at Gene Meier's
Meeting adjourned
Jean Winkler
September 30, 2015
Amendment to the above
We verbally discussed a 3 year
contract with Jimmy for Lawn and Snow. An email vote was taken on September 19,
2015 approving a 3 year contract with a maximum increase cap of 2.5% each year.
Just a note, to date I have
not heard from many on the Christmas gathering.
No one has volunteered to have
it. Fran Vetter let me know they go to
FL for the winter.
Villas of Knights Way Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 7:00 pm.
President Dave Holmes called
the meeting to order
Minutes from the July 1, 2015
meeting was approved
Minutes from the July 21,
2015, Condo Annual Meeting and Picnic, was reviewed and approved.
Motion was made to accept the
new officers for the year of 2015/2016.
They are as follows:
President David Holmes 26 Yorkshire
Treasurer Gene Meier 29
Secretary Jean Winkler 62 Somerset
Members at Large Maggie Shea 27 Yorkshire
Don Winke 20 Somerset
Treasurers report was given by
Gene Meier. The current balance in the
checking account is 5,845.55 after paying the bills from the Annual
Old Business
Discussion on the Annual
meeting reflected that we had many positive comments on the evening. Thank you to Gene and Mary Meier and Maggie
Shea for hosting the Meeting and Picnic.
Hamburgers and Brats were a great addition.
Sidewalk project was
discussed. Cardinal Construction has
given an estimate of approximately $6,000.00.
President Dave has asked him to bid on a newer product.
Don Wilke will search for
someone who would give other bids. The
bigger companies do not want to bid a small project.
The new Amendments to the
Bylaws that was approved at the Annual Meeting will be distributed to those
that were not at the meeting. Don Winke
and Maggie Shea have agreed to take care of getting them to those not in
New Business
Drainage problem
The drainage grade that
affects 26 and 27 Yorkshire continues to
be investigated.
The city has been contacted to
check it out. They will come and shoot
grades of the lots. There will be a meeting with Midwest within the next couple
weeks in conjunction with the problem.
Parking Issue
After consulting the Fire
Chief of Fond du Lac on the parking in our area, a motion was made to limit the
parking on our streets from 7 am to Midnight each day. Parking should only be on the side of the
street oppiste the mailboxes. There can be no overnight parking on the
streets per the Fire Department. Motion was appoved.
Motion was made to put the
house number and street on communication any time a name is given in a
document. Motion approved
Joe Ciontea will be asked to
revise the 2015 attendance sheet for the Annual meeting
to reflect the street and
condo address.
Request to attend Board
meetings was discussed. Notification
will be posted on the web-site for the date and time of the Board Meeting prior
to the meetings.
Reminder that all dog owners
to be responsible for picking up after their dogs as they walk them, and to
keep dogs in the streets and not on lawns.
A memo will be sent to the Presidents
of the other Condo Associations in the complex will be sent asking that they
share that request with their members.
Thank you to everyone for
keeping your cars off the black top while it was sealed. The blacktop looks great.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30
Jean Winkler, Secretary
The minutes from the 2015 annual meeting is several pages long plus four addendums. Because of its length It is posted as a link to an online pdf file. If you can not open it contact a board member or Joe Ciontea for a paper copy. Click here to open the file for reading or printing.
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