

This website will be used to share association news and information about neighborhood activities. The Association Information page contains our legal documents, rules and other important information for all homeowners.
Type your email address into the "Follow by Email" box and you will receive an email anytime something new is added here. If you have information you want shared here contact any board member. To contact the association president by email click here.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Assn. Board Meeting

The Board will meet on July 11, 2017 to finalize details and the agenda for our annual meeting.  If you wish to attend and have input please contact any member of the Board.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Villas of Knights Way Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting, Potluck Dinner & Neighborhood Social

July 18, 2017  Fond du Lac Holiday Inn 
5pm Social ~ 6pm Dinner ~ 7pm Meeting

Due to our growing population we have moved our annual meeting to the FdL Holiday Inn.  We will be able to enjoy our time together in a climate controlled environment. Use entrance #7 to enter  Room 188 & 189

The Association will provide the entree along with plates, utensils and napkins.

Please bring your own beverage of choice and a dish to pass (appetizer, side dish, or dessert).

Please RSVP to Maggie by July 10th.  Tell us how many will be attending and what type of dish you plan to bring.  We will have bottled water available.

Key agenda items:

  • election of 3 new board members
  • financial report
  • other association business as needed