

This website will be used to share association news and information about neighborhood activities. The Association Information page contains our legal documents, rules and other important information for all homeowners.
Type your email address into the "Follow by Email" box and you will receive an email anytime something new is added here. If you have information you want shared here contact any board member. To contact the association president by email click here.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Association Board has compiled a complete set of documents for our association.  They have been combined into one 35 page pdf document. The file is on the association page of this website, it can be viewed online, or opened and printed.

Monday, November 27, 2017

The kwvillas@yahoo.com email address is no longer active.  Any emails sent to that account will not be read.  36villasofkw@gmail.com is now the official email address assigned to this blog/website.  Emails sent to 36villasofkw@gmail.com will go directly to the association president.

The association's Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2017.   This will be our last regular meeting until after the new year.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Reminder, due to Thanksgiving our garbage pickup will be delayed until Monday (11/27/2017).

Enjoy the day with friends and family.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Special Thank You

Image result for thanks you

The Villas of Knights Way thanks  Bob Olsen for donating his time and skills to paint our fire hydrants red as required by the City of Fond du Lac.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Image result for Thanks

Special thank yous go out to Don Winke (and his helpers) for the time and effort spent in replacing  the damaged HVAC wall vents

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Image result for fire hydrant
We have contracted J.F.Ahern Co. to inspect and test the four fire hydrants located on Somerset Ln and Yorkshire Dr.  The city of FdL now requires us to have this service completed annually.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Next meeting of the Condo Assn. Board

The Board will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 7:00 pm. Your input is welcome.  Contact a current Board member if you want to attend the meeting as a guest.  If you have an agenda item to propose please submit your request to the president three days prior to the meeting.  

Meeting Results

The newly elected condo association Board of Directors met briefly on 8/8/17.  Procedures were reviewed, committees were formed and new officers were elected.  Officers for 2017-2018 are shown in the right column on this page.
 The minutes from the meeting as well as minutes from the annual meeting are on the minutes page of this blog site.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Wed Aug 2nd
beginning at 8am

Dryer Vent Wizard will be inspecting and cleaning the dryer vents located on most roofs.

We have also sent out an email to all residents that contains some additional information.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Assn. Board Meeting

The Board will meet on July 11, 2017 to finalize details and the agenda for our annual meeting.  If you wish to attend and have input please contact any member of the Board.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Villas of Knights Way Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting, Potluck Dinner & Neighborhood Social

July 18, 2017  Fond du Lac Holiday Inn 
5pm Social ~ 6pm Dinner ~ 7pm Meeting

Due to our growing population we have moved our annual meeting to the FdL Holiday Inn.  We will be able to enjoy our time together in a climate controlled environment. Use entrance #7 to enter  Room 188 & 189

The Association will provide the entree along with plates, utensils and napkins.

Please bring your own beverage of choice and a dish to pass (appetizer, side dish, or dessert).

Please RSVP to Maggie by July 10th.  Tell us how many will be attending and what type of dish you plan to bring.  We will have bottled water available.

Key agenda items:

  • election of 3 new board members
  • financial report
  • other association business as needed

Monday, May 15, 2017

Save the Date

The annual meeting for all residents of the Villas of Knights Way Condo Association will be held on Tuesday, July 18, 2017.

Social, potluck dinner, business meeting and election of  3 new Board members. More details will be coming soon.