

This website will be used to share association news and information about neighborhood activities. The Association Information page contains our legal documents, rules and other important information for all homeowners.
Type your email address into the "Follow by Email" box and you will receive an email anytime something new is added here. If you have information you want shared here contact any board member. To contact the association president by email click here.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Villas of Knights Way  

A Condominium Community

2016 Annual Meeting 

When: July 19th    5pm - Dark

Where: 20 & 24 Somerset Lane

Please RSVP to Sherry Holmes (920-948-5169   26 Yorkshire Dr)
Brats, Burgers plates and utensils will be supplied by the Association.   Please bring your own beverage and a dish to pass.


  1. Social hour
  2. Dinner
  3. Business Meeting & ElectionsOther business
  4. Adjourn

Meeting Announcement

The next Association Board meeting will be Monday, July 11, 2016 at 1:30 pm.

If you have any needs or concerns please contact a Board member.