

This website will be used to share association news and information about neighborhood activities. The Association Information page contains our legal documents, rules and other important information for all homeowners.
Type your email address into the "Follow by Email" box and you will receive an email anytime something new is added here. If you have information you want shared here contact any board member. To contact the association president by email click here.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dryer Vent Wizard

The service technician (Tim)  from Dryer Vent Wizard will be in the neighborhood most the the day tomorrow (Monday, 10/27/2014) to complete inside inspections.  He is also expected to be here part of the day on Thursday.  He will knock on doors and ask to enter and complete the inspection.  If you see him about and want an inspection stop and give him your address and availability.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dryer Vent Cleaning

On Wed. Oct. 15th the association Board voted to contract for the dryer vents to be cleaned on most of the units in our association.   We have signed a contract with  hired Dyer Vent Wizard to inspect and clean the roof vents on 22 units in our association.  This company has provide us with references and a certificate of insurance.

Dryer Vent Wizard is tentatively scheduled to be here on Thursday, Oct. 23rd.  There company vehicle will be parked in the neighborhood.  Their employee(s) will be wearing company uniforms.

The service will be performed by Robb Vandenberg or another person from the company.

Planned services:

  • Climb roof and inspect dryer roof vent
  • Clean vent from the top down using their professional equipment
  • They will ask to enter your home to provide a free inspection  (10 point checklist ) of your inside connections, filters, and hoses.   The interior inspection is included in our contracted price.  
  • They will also offer to make interior repairs and replace hoses if needed.   Those costs must be paid by you the homeowner if you choose to have them completed.  You will receive a discount fror those services from Dryer Vent Wizard if you hire them to do that.  Either way the interior inspection is free - if you are home and let them in.
If you have any questions please contact a Condo Board member.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014